Leading South Coast law firm Lester Aldridge is pleased to announce seven trainees have joined the firm to begin their two-year training programme to qualification.
The firm also congratulates Rebecca Bright on completing her training programme, qualifying as a solicitor on 16 September. She joins our International Private Client team.
Our new trainees – Brodie Ross, Amy Lewis, Stacy Taylor, Emily Chapman, Christopher Price, Emma Ritchie and Nathan Garnham – join the firm in a variety of different seats including real estate, care, dispute resolution, personal injury and litigation & recoveries teams.
Matthew Barrow, Managing Partner at Lester Aldridge, said: “I am really pleased that Rebecca has chosen to stay at LA on qualification. She will be a great asset to the team. We once again have an excellent trainee intake and they are all a very important part of the firm’s future growth.”
The training scheme at Lester Aldridge is well regarded, where “the work is comparable to that of City firms but you have the benefit of working for a regional firm that cares about you as a person and doesn’t want to make you overly stressed”. Trainees praise the fact that “partners and senior employees are very approachable” (quotes from The Lex 100, 14th Edition). Training consists of four six-month seats in a variety of teams across the firm’s three offices.
More information about training contracts at Lester Aldridge can be found here, with the application period for training contracts starting in 2022 due to open between 1st April and 30th June 2020. The firm also operates a work placement scheme for those interested in starting a career in law.