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This form is designed to give us the information that we require about your family, your assets and your wishes for your Will.

Couples who would like their Wills to mirror each other are welcome to complete just one questionnaire with all the required details, but are also free to complete separate questionnaires – if they wish.

1. Personal Details

Spouse / Partner 1

Spouse / Partner 2

2. Married couples and civil partnerships

Did you sign a pre-nuptial agreement?

3. Unmarried and non-civil partner couples

Do you intend to marry or become civil partners in the near future?
Did you sign a cohabitation or similar agreement?

4. Contact details

5. Family Details


Please indicate if any is a child of just one of you, whether any have special needs and whether they are single, married, divorced or separated.


6. Assets and liabilities

It is important for us to know what assets will be dealt with by the Will that we prepare for you.

Please summarise your assets and any liabilities together with approximate values. In the case of couples, please distinguish between what belongs to each spouse or partner and what is owned jointly. If you keep a separate schedule of assets and liabilities, please feel free to send this by email separately.

If you already have a Will that will remain in place to deal with your assets in your place of domicile (permanent home), you do not need to include these assets in this section. For example, if you have assets in South Africa and already have a South African Will, you do not need to include your South African assets in this section.

Your Home

Any other houses or flats, land or buildings

Life insurances

Please indicate if any policy of life insurance is linked to any of the properties mentioned above.

Bank Accounts

Bank accounts – please specify in which country the account is registered (branch location). For example, England, Jersey, Guernsey or the Isle of Man.


Other assets (e.g. cars, yachts, antiques, jewellery, etc.

7. Other Matters

8. Contents of your will

Please use this section to summarise what you want us to put in your will. Please give any relevant names and addresses in full if these do not appear elsewhere in this questionnaire.

Funeral wishes

Guardians have personal responsibility for orphaned children. The children will usually live with the nominated guardians after the death of both their parents. If you are a single parent, divorced from the other parent or a same sex couple, special rules may apply and you should discuss this with us. As above, if these provisions have already been confirmed in another Will or a document in another country, there is no need to provide details here.
Executors will deal with the administration of your estate and trustees will deal with the administration of any trusts your Will creates. Ideally, you should have more than one in case one of them dies before you or with you. You can appoint substitute executors and trustees who take the place of an executor or trustee who is unable or unwilling to act as executor or trustee. Please confirm the relationship between you and your intended executor and trustee - if it is not already mentioned in this questionnaire.
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