David undertakes work for those who have been seriously injured and has settled cases totalling well over £200 million. He has acted in a number of high profile cases. Typically, these cases involve spinal cord damage, brain injury, amputations and/or serious burns. The cause of these injuries are typically road traffic accidents, accidents in the course of working and from clinical negligence.
David obtained a degree in Physics and Medical Physics from Exeter University. He completed the Diploma in Law and the LPC at Nottingham University and qualified as a solicitor in 1998. Prior to joining Lester Aldridge, David has headed up personal injury and medical negligence teams in various firms, based regionally and in London.
Since qualification, David has been a member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers and holds Senior Litigator status. David had been accredited with the Law Society Personal Injury Panel for over 10 years and has been an approved solicitor with both the Headway and Spinal Injuries Association charities.
David’s clients are happy to speak by telephone about how he dealt with their case.
Recent work
- David acted for a client, Mike Just, who suffered a life-changing spinal cord injury following an accident while working on a construction site when a door lintel fell onto his back leaving him unable to walk and dependent on a wheelchair. He was no longer able to work on a building site. A claim was brought against the owner and project manager of the building project, who denied liability for the accident. Mike ultimately received a seven-figure settlement which enabled him to purchase suitable accommodation, transport, support work, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and private medical treatment. He was also able to purchase equipment allowing him to take part in the outdoor activities he enjoyed before his accident.
- Negligent delay in performing an emergency C-section causing the death of one twin and cerebral palsy in the other.
- GP’s negligent failure to recognise the clinical signs of an acoustic neuroma. The errors caused the claimant’s loss of sight and left-sided Bell’s palsy.
- Fall from helicopter causing a severe brain injury. The fall was caused by the negligent act of a colleague.
- Several cases for children hit on bicycles causing very severe brain injuries.
- Claimant injured by a horse with a known tendency to bolt. The defendant should have made the claimant aware of this. As a result the claimant sustained a high level spinal cord injury leaving her paralysed from the neck down.