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Mahendree is located at:

London Office
Savoy Hill House
Savoy Hill

Mahendree has over 18 years of UK experience in advising clients in relation to wills, estate and tax planning, trusts and estates administration.

Mahendree is known for her empathetic and practical approach in her advice to clients. With extensive experience working with families, individuals and business owners with the preparation of their wills, inheritance tax and lifetime planning, including lifetime trusts, powers of attorney and the administration of deceased estates, she is well placed to assist clients in navigating the complexities of the legal system. Her experience covers work in these areas internationally, as well as in the UK.

Mahendree has worked as the Head of Private Client Legal for one of the UK’s top 10 firms of accountants and business advisers. Originally from South Africa, Mahendree is a dual-admitted Attorney of the High Court of South Africa and a Solicitor of England and Wales.

Recent examples of work

  • Advising a dual national client with business interests in the UK, Ghana and USA on wills and IHT planning including potential succession planning for the business;
  • Advising family patriarch on inheritance tax planning and lifetime gifts of shares in the family business to the next generation;
  • Administration of estates, including estates with business and agricultural property interests;
  • Advising business owners on the importance of business powers of attorney and implementing relevant powers.

Get in touch with Mahendree Naidoo

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