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As care provider, care worker, GP, nurse or other healthcare professional, your work centres around caring for others. However, it is important to be familiar with the many laws and regulations governing how you should work. Following scandals in the sector over recent years and high profile media coverage, there has been a marked increase in criminal investigations and prosecutions involving the health and social care sector.

If you find yourself facing an investigation, it is crucial to seek specialist legal advice at the earliest opportunity.

How can our healthcare solicitors help?

The LA specialist legal team is unique. Not only are we leading specialist solicitors for the health and social care sector, we also have a wealth of experience of police investigations, criminal law and both the Magistrates and Crown Courts. We have an in depth knowledge and understanding of the sector and the rules and legislation by which you are bound, as well extensive knowledge of criminal law and process.

This means that we can understand the work you do and we can provide you with clear advice, tailored to your case. We can also provide you with advice and representation in respect of any related matters, such as a coroner’s inquest, fitness to practise proceedings, action by CQC and so forth.

Criminal investigations may be undertaken by a variety of enforcement bodies and in respect of a number of different potential offences, for example:

Police investigations & prosecutions

The police will conduct criminal investigations and prosecute offences such as:

  • Wilful neglect or ill-treatment by care worker or care provider (including directors and trustees);
  • Common assault, actual bodily harm or sexual assault;
  • Gross negligence or unlawful act manslaughter by an individual;
  • Corporate manslaughter.

CQC investigations & prosecutions

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) leads criminal investigations and prosecutions for breaches of the Health & Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and in respect of health and safety matters relating to service users. CQC will often consider prosecution for offences such as:

  • Breach of Regulation 12 (safe care and treatment) if it believes a service user has been exposed to avoidable harm. This can be a prosecution of a Registered Provider or Registered Manager;
  • Failure by a provider to have a Registered Manager;
  • Failure to notify CQC of a notifiable offence.

Health and Safety Executive prosecutions

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is the lead body responsible for enforcing breaches of health and safety legislation and incidents involving staff or visitors.

Environmental Health investigations

Environmental Health Authority is responsible for environmental health matters and food safety and hygiene.

Fire authority compliance

Local fire authorities may undertake criminal investigations to enforce compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. Fire safety in registered services is in currently the spotlight following a number of high profile fires in care homes in recent years. See our recent blog on fire safety in care homes.

What is the process?

each case’s circumstances will vary, and local authorities may approach suspected offences differently. For example, the police may arrest you during criminal investigations. in all cases, however, we would expect that the authority would invite you to attend an interview under caution as part of their criminal investigation of the offence

If authorities pursue prosecution, either the Magistrates or Crown Court will hear the case, depending on the offence’s nature.

We would be happy to discuss your individual case with you.


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