As a business, we understand that you need to be aware of how to protect your organisation, employees and customers. Regulatory compliance is a growing and specialist area that’s always changing, so we need to stay in touch with what’s happening.
Understanding the regulations you or your business face isn’t always easy. Our team assists not only in dealing with criminal investigations and prosecutions but can also help you with enforcement notice appeals. We can help with internal training to help you operate within your regulatory framework. We can also provide advice on regulatory matters in connection with the sale or acquisition of businesses.
What types of regulation and business crime can we help with?
- Health, safety and environmental crime, including fire safety, food safety and water safety
- Trading standards and planning offences, and action by the Information Commissioner (e.g. data protection / GDPR)
- Inquests
- Fraud, bribery and money crime
- Directors’ disqualification and prosecutions
- Professional regulation and disciplinary proceedings
Who do our regulatory solicitors help?
If you are a business or individual facing allegations of non-compliance or enforcement action we can assist. We can also assist public bodies looking to take enforcement action.
Our clients are both prosecutors and defendants. We have worked with regulators such as the Health & Safety Executive, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, the Solicitors Regulation Authority, the Bar Standards Board, local authorities and ports and harbours authorities.
If you are facing regulatory action, we can guide you through the process and help reduce the risk of adverse consequences as far as possible.
We advise businesses and individuals across all market sectors.
Why choose our regulation and business crime lawyers?
Our team is recognised and well respected for its work in regulation and business crime, and our clients therefore benefit from a specialist service. We’ve acted in a number of high-profile cases over the last few years and developed a team that can advise and assist on every level.
That starts with advice and representation during the investigation, including interviews under caution. Our solicitors can talk you through steps that may be taken at an early stage which can protect your interests further down the line. Our team then assists you throughout the investigative process, including giving advice about what to expect and obtaining expert evidence where necessary and in respect of any subsequent court hearing.
Our team of regulatory solicitors will help you to make sure that you obtain the correct disclosure of documents from the prosecuting authority so that your case can be properly prepared. That is particularly important when there is a lot of documentation, or in cases with multiple suspects or defendants.