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Danielle is located at:

Bournemouth Office
Russell House
Oxford Road
DX: 7623

Danielle joined the firm as a trainee in 2007 and developed an immediate passion for banking and asset finance litigation. During her training contract, she undertook a secondment with a large UK bank and qualified with the firm in September 2009. She has remained with Lester Aldridge since her qualification and became a partner at the firm in 2017.

She is an experienced litigator who acts for finance houses, banks and other creditors. Clients favour Danielle’s practical and commercial approach.

Danielle advises both captive and non-captive asset finance clients on the recovery of high-value vehicles, equipment, and resulting shortfalls. She regularly deals with related issues such as title disputes, satisfactory quality claims, and issues concerning regulatory compliance.

She advises banks in relation to the recovery of secured and unsecured facilities, dealing with challenges to lending terms and director guarantees, and disputed claims for possession.

Danielle also acts for Law of Property Act 1925 receivers and insolvency practitioners in recovering property and other debts.

Recent examples of work or case studies:

  • Obtaining possession of a commercial property for a lender which involved disputed proceedings and an application for a restitutional warrant.
  • Obtaining urgent without notice injunctive relief for motor finance house in relation to a high-value vehicle at risk.
  • Securing a full recovery for a bank in respect of a claim in restitution for monies paid by mistake.

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