Seeking legal advice during a divorce is important to ensure fairness and protect your interests, especially when it comes to financial settlements. A study from the University of Bristol and funded by Nuffield Foundation has found that more than one in 10 couples in England and Wales sought no legal advice or information to help with a financial settlement after their divorce. These couples bypass the legal system and forfeit fairness. The study found this was “leaving women worse off and putting their future financial security at risk”.

Without legal advice, the divorcing couple may not be aware of what financial remedy claims may be available to them and what they could be giving up. Do you know what the capital settlement is likely to be? Or that you may be entitled to a share of your spouse’s pension? Or entitled to spousal maintenance?

Once an agreement is reached, you should have it put into an order and get it approved by the court? Without such an order either party can make financial claims against their former spouse years into the future. The order not only sets out the terms of the agreement but dismisses future financial claims against each other and against their estates, helping to create financial certainty and security.

Contact our Family law team today for a consultation. We will support you through this and help to achieve a fair resolution as swiftly and cost-effectively as possible. Call us on 01202 786105 or email directly at