Lucy attends to the administration of estates with a foreign element, including those with foreign domiciled clients and those where clients have assets outside of the jurisdiction of England and Wales.

Lucy specialises in the administration of assets held in North America including arranging death registration on shareholdings, obtaining probate where necessary to attend to other assets and attending to IRS requirements, such as federal tax clearance applications.

Recent work

  • Attending to an England and Wales domicile estate with various shareholdings in the US, including obtaining Federal Tax clearance from Internal Revenue Service in the United States and dealing with registration of death and transfer of US shareholdings, and further claiming rights to escheated and unclaimed property through various State departments.
  • Administering the ‘overseas’ assets of an estate where the deceased died intestate, domiciled in Hong Kong. Attending to the applications to obtain grants of representations in England, Jersey and the Isle of Man and then attending to the administration of assets in the three jurisdictions
  • Applying for a reseal of an England and Wales Grant of Probate in New South Wales, Australia. Attending to the administration of various shareholdings held there.